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What to Do if You Get Hacked | A Comprehensive Guide 

Learn how to respond effectively if you get hacked, with steps to secure personal, financial, and social media information.

Research Abstract:
Published on
August 13, 2024
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In our increasingly digital world, getting hacked has become alarmingly common. Many people shrug it off as an "inevitable" event, but when it happens, it can feel overwhelming if you don't know what steps to take next. But knowing how to respond quickly and effectively is crucial.

And we are here to help. This guide will walk you through the actions to take if you get hacked, covering 3 scenarios: personal information, financial information, and social media platforms.

Personal Information Hacked

Step 1: Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

  • First and foremost, take a deep breath. Being hacked is undoubtedly stressful, but remaining calm and carefully evaluating the situation will help you make more effective decisions.

Step 2: Identify the Breach

  • Look for unusual activity, such as strange (phishing) emails, unknown logins (any ‘New Device Login Alerts’), or unauthorized changes (eg: Password changes or email changes) to your accounts. 
  • You can take an extra step by checking all the locations where your Gmail account is logged in. For more detailed instructions, refer to this article

Step 3: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Enable your Two-factor Authentication if you still need to do so. This adds an extra layer of security on your accounts.
  • This blog provides extra information on why 2FA is crucial 

Step 4: Report the hack to the relevant platform or service 

  • Let the platform know you've been hacked. Look for the "Help" or "Support" section on the website or app, and find the option to report a compromised account. Provide as much detail as possible about what happened and when you noticed the hack. The sooner you alert the platform, the faster they can help you secure your account.

Step 5: Notify your contacts

  • Inform your contacts that you’ve been hacked. This includes people you regularly communicate with through email, messaging apps, or any other platform associated with the compromised account. 
  • This warning will help prevent your contacts from falling victim to any phishing attempts or malware spread by the hacker using your account. 

Financial Information Hacked

Having someone hack into your personal bank account and access your financial information is one of the most frightening cyber-hack scenarios. While financial institutions are generally well-prepared to handle these situations, it is crucial for you to exercise due diligence and proceed with caution.

Step 1: Contact Your Financial Institutions

  • Freeze your account Immediately
  • Inform your bank and credit card companies about the breach. 
  • Check your bank statements and credit reports for any unauthorized transactions.

Step 2: Change Your Passwords and Security Questions

  • Update passwords and security questions for your online banking and financial accounts.
  • Make sure all your passwords are unique. You could use a password manager like 1password or Nordpass . If you are not comfortable using password managers yet, and prefer a more traditional approach, consider using our specially designed password journal to keep track of your passwords securely.

Step 3: Report the Fraud

  • File a report with your local law enforcement and any relevant financial oversight agencies. In the U.S., you can report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Check out this website for additional information

Social Media Platforms Hacked

Step 1: Change Your Passwords

  • Immediately change the passwords for your hacked social media accounts. Ensure the new passwords are strong and unique. We always recommend using password managers. However, if you're not yet comfortable with them, consider writing your passwords down in a journal. (maybe add a sentence or two on why the notes app could also be compromised?)

Step 2: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Enable your Two-factor Authentication if you still need to do so. This adds an extra layer of security on your accounts.
  • This blog provides extra information on why 2FA is crucial 

Step 3: Review Account Activity

  • Check for any unauthorized posts, messages, or changes to your profile. Remove any content you did not authorize.

Step 4: Inform Your Contacts

  • Let your friends and followers know that your account was hacked and to ignore any suspicious messages they may have received from you.

Step 5: Report the Hack to the Platform

  • Use the platform’s reporting tools to notify them of the breach and get assistance in securing your account.

Recovering from a hack can be challenging, but by following these steps, you can minimize the damage and protect your digital life. Please remember to always have your 2FA enabled, use password managers, regularly check your account for suspicious activities, and report the incident to respective platforms or law enforcement if you get hacked. Stay vigilant and proactive about your cybersecurity to prevent future incidents. Remember, the key to handling any hacking incident is to act quickly and decisively. 

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